Kategorie: Allgemein

dental brigde

PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY at Zahnarzt Frankfurt

Dental Bridge:

What you may have already heard from your pediatrician, we also confirm:

Even the very young should go to the dentist regularly, so that they themselves and you as parents learn early on how to take care of their teeth.

With a lot of patience and little tricks, we playfully create a positive association at your visit to the dentist for your child in an early age.

We recommend that you visit with your baby after the first year of life. Even if no teeth are visible yet, we will show you how to massage and palpate the edentulous jaw with individual finger toothbrushes.

Dental Bridge

In the accompanying picture, you can see which teeth erupt and when.

Even if the milk teeth are later replaced by permanent teeth, it is extremely important to optimize oral hygiene right from the start. A healthy primary dentition is fundamental for a healthy permanent dentition & Veneers in Frankfurt

The change of teeth is imminent for your child between the ages of five and seven. The milk teeth start to wiggle and fall out. A permanent molar grows behind the last milk tooth. Because this usually grows out in the sixth year of life, it is also called the 6-year molar. You have to pay special attention to this one, because it is usually the first tooth that needs to be treated in adulthood.

At this age of your child, your health insurance will cover the individual prophylaxis every six months. Here, the teeth are stained in order to be able to record a plaque status. In this way, we can see Dental Bridge exactly where the teeth have not been brushed ideally and then carry out individual tooth brushing training. If tartar has already formed, we gently remove it with our ultrasonic device. We will then explain to you and your child how oral diseases such as caries or gingivitis develop and, above all, how they can be prevented. Nutrition also plays a huge role here. We recommend suitable fluoridation agents for enamel hardening and fluoridate your child’s teeth locally with a special varnish or gel at the dental office.

Zahnarzt Frankfurt also recommend Dental Bridge, sealing caries-free fissures and pits of the permanent molars (the two back teeth) with light-curing composites. Otherwise, caries often develop here, as bacteria can attach themselves particularly well.

Your child’s dentition is not only examined for caries, but also considered as a whole. Sometimes individual permanent teeth are not in place at all, which can result in gaps later on that can be closed in cooperation with the orthodontist so that the remaining teeth have enough space. Loose braces also facilitate later orthodontic treatments with fixed braces during puberty. This way we maintain optimal interlocking and aesthetics.


Was Sie vielleicht schon von Ihrem Kinderarzt gehört haben, bestätigen auch wir:

Auch die ganz Kleinen sollten regelmäßig zum Zahnarzt gehen, damit sie selbst und Sie als Eltern schon früh lernen, wie sie ihre Zähne pflegen müssen.

Mit viel Geduld und kleinen Tricks schaffen wir schon im frühen Alter spielerisch eine positive Assoziation zum Zahnarztbesuch für Ihr Kind.


Wir empfehlen zahnimplantaten Ihnen mit Ihrem Baby nach dem ersten Lebensjahr vorbei zu schauen. Auch wenn noch keine Zähne zu sehen sind, zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie den unbezahnten Kiefer mit individuellen Fingerzahnbürsten massieren und abtasten können.

Im nebenstehenden Bild können Sie sehen, welche Zähne wann durchbrechen.



Auch wenn die Milchzähne später durch bleibende Zähne ersetzt werden, ist es überaus wichtig die M

undhygiene von Anfang an optimal zu gestalten. Ein gesundes Milchgebiss ist fundamental für ein gesundes bleibendes Gebiss.

Der Zahnwechsel steht Ihrem Kind zwischen dem fünften und siebten Lebensjahr bevor. Die Milchzähne fangen an zu wackeln und fallen heraus. Hinter dem letzten Milchzahn wächst jeweils ein bleibender Backenzahn. Weil dieser meist im sechsten Lebensjahr heraus wächst, bezeichnet man ihn auch als 6-Jahr-Molar. Auf diesen muss man besonders gut aufpassen, da er im erwachsenen Alter meist der erste Zahn ist, der behandelt werden muss.

In diesem Alter Ihres Kindes übernimmt Ihre Krankenkasse halbjährlich die Individualprophylaxe. Hierbei werden die Zähne angefärbt, um einen Plaquestatus aufnehmen zu können. So können wir genau sehen, wo nicht ideal geputzt wurde und so im Anschluss ein individuelles Zahnputztraining durchführen. Sollte sich schon Zahnstein gebildet haben, entfernen wir diesen sanft mit unserem Ultraschallgerät. Anschließend klären wir Sie und Ihr Kind darüber auf, wie Mundkrankheiten wie Karies oder Gingivitis entstehen und vor allem wie sie vermieden werden können. Auch die Ernährung spielt hierbei eine Rolle. Wir empfehlen Ihnen geeignete Flouridierungsmittel zur Schmelzhärtung und fluoridieren die Zähne Ihres Kindes lokal mit einem speziellen Lack oder Gel.

Empfehlenswert ist außerdem die Versiegelung von kariesfreien Fissuren und Grübchen der bleibenden Molaren (die beiden hinteren Zähne) mit lichthärtendem Kunststoff. Häufig entsteht hier sonst gerne Karies, da sich Bakterien besonders gut anlagern können.

Das Gebiss Ihres Kindes wird nicht nur auf Karies untersucht, sondern auch in seiner Gesamtheit betrachtet. Manchmal sind einzelne bleibende Zähne gar nicht angelegt, wodurch später Lücken entstehen können, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kieferorthopäden geschlossen werden können, damit die restlichen Zähne genug Platz haben. Lockere Zahnspangen erleichtern außerdem die späteren kieferorthopädischen Behandlungen mit fester Zahnspange während der Pubertät. So gewährleisten wir eine optimale Verzahnung und Ästhetik.

Zahnarzt Frankfurt

basics of implantologie

Basics of Implantology

Implantology is a major focus of our dental practice in Frankfurt Nordend Zahnarzt Frankfurt.

In the following we would like to explain in more detail which procedure is used in our practice so that you can get a better idea of an „implantation“ and take a look behind the scenes.

If a tooth has already been lost for several years, the jawbone degenerates due to the lack of load in this area of the jaw and progressively decreases in width and height. So there is not always enough bone substance to anchor an implant firmly in the jaw and to guarantee long-lasting dentures on it. Especially in such cases special measures must be taken in advance. These are called bone augmentation.

Depending on the situation, this augmentation can take place either a few months before the implantation or at the same time as the implant is inserted into the bone tissue.

In our practice we only use bone replacement material (granules and bone plates) from renowned European manufacturers. We always combine these with your own bone from the surgical area to ensure optimal conditions for the integration of the bone graft substitute (KEM) into your own tissue. This is another special feature of our procedure that helps to integrate the KEM into your tissue. We treat the wound with endogenous plasma membranes, which we produce from the patient’s blood by centrifugation (A-PRF method). The growth factors and fibrin platelets contained in these membranes promote and accelerate wound healing and help to generate a long-term stable implant surrounding bone level. You will only notice a small pinch in the crook of your arm.

implantologyShould a tooth fracture unfavorably or needs to be removed unexpectedly, especially in the anterior region, our implant surgeon Dr. Hakimi can do an immediate implant placement.

A suitable implant can be placed in the same tooth removal session if your bone level is sufficiently stable. Both the radiological (the x-ray) and clinical findings (the situation in the mouth) are decisive for this.

First the tooth is removed very gently and then an implant is inserted directly into the empty bone compartment and the wound is sutured.

Again, not all bone is the same!

If the alveolar ridge is narrow, special instruments can be used to spread the bone (so-called bone spreading/splitting) in order to gain more space, or the bone can be condensed if the bone structure is too „soft“ (so-called bone condensing). Of course, due to the local anesthesia, the patient hardly notices this and is painless.

The so-called Socket-Shield Technique, where part of the tooth is left in place, can also achieve a particularly harmonious result in the aesthetic area of the front teeth. By leaving a narrow part of the tooth and thus also its periodontal socket ligaments with which a tooth is anchored in the bone, the remodeling changes of the bone after implantation are less pronounced. As a result, there is no loss of the gingival profile in the direction of the lip.  This allows us to achieve particularly nature-identical results and our patients enjoy an almost unchanged appearance despite tooth loss.

All these techniques support an optimal anchorage of the implant in the bone and guarantee the long-term success of the implantation. As a rule, implants remain in the jaw for a lifetime with optimal care. Of course, in the esthetic area we make a temporary restoration if possible, so that you do not have to leave our practice with a gap in your teeth after the procedure.

After a healing phase, usually lasting three months, the so-called „uncover“ takes place, in which we expose the implant located under the mucous membrane through a small incision and then insert a cap to shape its mucous membrane. Naturally, this is done under a small local anesthesia. A few days later, the implant(s) can then be restored with laboratory-fabricated dentures such as crowns, bridges or removable telescopic works.

For this purpose we offer you another advantage in our practice, as we no longer take unpleasant impressions. Using a portable 3D scanner (Trios 3 Shape), we take a digital impression of your oral situation and send this data to a laboratory cooperating with us, which usually returns your dental prosthesis to us a week later. Of course, we coordinate tooth color and shape with you in advance according to your individual wishes and have the possibility to make corrections and changes in our own in-house laboratory.

In the following years, we guide you through regular follow-up care so that your healthy smile can shine in the long run.

If you would like to receive further information or get a second opinion, you can of course arrange a free appointment for an individual consultation. We will be happy to explain the exact procedure in your case and explain all aspects of the planned procedure and possible risks. You are welcome to use our online appointment service (doctolib), with which you can arrange an appointment from the comfort of your home, even outside of our office hours.

For even more information you can visit our website www.nordend-zahnarzt.de

Dentist Frankfurt

Zahnarzt Frankfurt


dental implants

Folgendes sollten Sie für Ihre ZAHNÄSTHETIK tun

 „Das Leben ist kurz, also lächle solange du noch Zähne hast!“

Damit Ihnen dieses Szenario eines Lückengebisses oder gar zahnlosen Kiefers erspart bleibt, möchten wir, die Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Hakimi und Kollegen, dafür sorgen, dass Ihnen Ihr strahlendes gesundes Lächeln auch noch im Alter erhalten bleibt.

Ihr Zahnarzt in Frankfurt: Zahnästhetik Unsere Praxis liegt zentral gelegen, im angesagten Oeder Weg, unweit vom Eschenheimer Tor Frankfurts entfernt und mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln optimal zu erreichen. Hier begrüßt Sie unser freundliches Team und unsere beiden Zahnärzte Dr. Hamed Hakimi und Julia Liebers. Sie kümmern sich gemeinsam einfühlsam und stets mit einem offenen Ohr für Ihre individuellen Wünsche und Bedürfnisse um Ihre Zahngesundheit. Im Folgenden lesen Sie einen Beitrag über unseren Praxisalltag und unsere Behandlungsmethoden.

Von Beginn an betreuen wir unsere jüngsten Patienten und Patientinnen, unterstützen sie durch Individualprophylaxe, regelmäßige Kontrollen und minimalinvasivem Vorgehen, sollte doch mal ein Loch entstanden sein.

Of course, we are also the point of contact for all other age groups and in all areas of dental, oral and maxillofacial medicine and are passionate about holistic dentistry. Regardless of whether it is aesthetic filling therapy , endodontics , prosthetic restorations using veneers, inlays or crowns, as well as fixed and removable dentures . Implantations and surgical interventions are also part of our daily tasks. In addition, we perform both tooth whitening and orthodontic splint therapyin our practice. We treat them from A to Z and always hand in hand with the latest technology and of course in accordance with the latest scientific guidelines.

DENTAL AESTHETICS Since careful and precise work is our top priority, we only work with magnifying glasses. This is especially essential for root canal treatments , as it is a matter of precision work and after we process the root canals with electromechanical machines and fill them with thermoplastics, we have the highest demands on accuracy and quality. In addition, we protect our patients during diagnostics using radiation-reduced digital X-rays .

Our core competence, however, lies in the oral surgery of our surgeon Mr. Hakimi, who has successfully completed a specialization in the field of implantology and has proven his expertise at renowned international universities. Through the routine work, he guides you through the treatment stress-free, in which we focus our full attention on our patient as a whole. Through acupuncture we support the painless implantation so that you can let yourself go during treatment and following are fully operational again.

Every move is perfect thanks to the outpatient interventions that are carried out several times a week . Due to the constant further training of our specialists in combination with the most modern technology under an absolutely sterile procedure, there is hardly a condition that cannot be successfully treated in our practice.

But we are also happy to advise you in all other areas and take the time you need. For us, the focus is on people as a whole. With a lot of patience and care, we want to achieve our goals with you in the best possible way through a feel-good atmosphere and without mass processing. Of course, maintaining your dental health comes first.

Also anxious patients are always welcome, as we plan for this particular time and our colleague dentist Julia Liebers particularly sensitive and gentle care of this. Of course, we also strive for an absolutely painless treatment and a trusting cooperation during your stay in our practice.

We hope that with this article we have given you a little insight into our everyday practice and that the entire team of Dr. Hakimi and colleagues look forward to welcoming you to our practice soon.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for your DENTAL AESTHETICS!

We can be reached by phone at 069-5978282.

You can also send us an email to info@nordend-zahnarzt.de .

3D SCANNER Explained

„Smiling is the most elegant way to show your teeth to your opponents!“

With our aligner 3D scanner therapy, nothing stands in the way of your most beautiful and straight smile.

But what exactly does aligner therapy mean, and why is this treatment method enjoying ever-increasing popularity?

In the following article, we will give you an overview of the therapy performed in our practice to straighten misaligned teeth.

By means of millimeter-thin plastic splints, your teeth are straightened over several months and brought into the desired position.

How does the therapy work?

First of all, your oral situation will be thoroughly examined in a first appointment, a dental status will be determined and, if necessary, X-rays will be taken. This is important to exclude periodontal diseases, to plan carefully and to ensure a long-term stable result.

Afterwards, we will discuss your wishes, ideas and expectations and clarify the duration of the therapy (6-18 months) as well as the necessary cooperation, such as a consistent wearing time of 12-14 hours per day.

3D scannerIn principle, most movements of the teeth can be carried out with the help of the splints. Thus, crowding and gaps in the anterior region can be treated, as well as individual teeth can be rotated, tilted or even ex- or intruded (optically lengthened or shortened). However, there are also limits to the splints, as they cannot replace orthodontic therapy using fixed brackets or dignathic appliances.

We then digitally shape your teeth using a 3D scanner, and digitally realize the joint planning with a dental laboratory that cooperates with us.

In a next appointment we will show you the treatment result on the computer after the therapy has been carried out, we will discuss with you the duration of the therapy determined by the number of splints to be worn and of course we will inform you about the treatment costs. Of course, there are no costs for consultation and planning beforehand.

If you decide to undergo the therapy, it is often necessary to apply so-called attachments to the teeth. These are made of tooth-colored composites and are about 2 to 3 mm in size and therefore almost invisible. They help to organize the movements of your teeth by splints in an optimal way and act as force transmission points for eg rotation and thrust forces.

The splints themselves are made of transparent plastic, wafer-thin and also barely visible. You will then wear these splints for about 14 days at a time. In the first few days of each new splint, you may experience a slight feeling of tension, but this is so slight that it does not affect the necessary wearing time. 3D scanner is especially important for an optimal result that the splints are only taken out for eating and brushing your teeth.

After a few weeks, it may be necessary to perform a so-called proximal enamel reduction to ensure optimal space conditions for the new tooth position. Of course, this is also painless, as we perform it under local anesthesia for particularly sensitive patients.

We accompany you during the treatment and take care of a long-term stable result by fixing a retainer after the end of the therapy. Our goal is, of course, to ensure that your teeth remain straight and healthy in the future, so that you will be happy to show off your radiant smile.

Smile design and aligner therapy at the dental practice, dentist Frankfurt

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Phone: 069-5978282


Zahnarzt Frankfurt erklärt die Bedeutung von Zahnimplantaten

Zahnimplantaten ist ein großer Schwerpunkt unserer Zahnarztpraxis in Frankfurt Nordend

Im Folgenden möchten wir etwas genauer erläutern welches Vorgehen bei uns zum Einsatz kommt, damit Sie sich ein besseres Bild von einer „Implantation“ machen können und einen – wenn auch kleinen – Blick hinter die Kulissen werfen können.

Ist ein Zahn schon seit mehreren Jahren verloren, baut sich durch die fehlende Belastung in diesem Bereich des Kiefers der Kieferknochen ab und verringert sich progressiv in Breite und Höhe. Es gibt also nicht immer genug Knochensubstanz, um ein Implantat fest im Kiefer zu verankern und langlebigen Zahnersatz auf diesem zu gewährleisten. Gerade in solchen Fällen müssen besondere Maßnahmen im Vorfeld getroffen werden, die Knochenaugmentation genannt werden.

die Bedeutung von Zahnimplantate

Zahnarzt Frankfurt, Diese Augmentation kann situationsabhängig entweder einige Monate vor der Implantation stattfinden, als auch einzeitig, also im gleichen Termin wie das Eibringen des Implantats in das Knochengewebe.

In unserer Praxis verwenden wir ausschließlich Knochenersatzmaterial (Granulat und Knochenplatten) von namhaften europäischen Herstellern. Wir kombinieren diese immer mit Ihrem eigenen Knochen aus dem Operationsgebiet, um optimale Voraussetzungen zur Integration des Knochenersatzmaterials (KEM) in ihr eigenes Gewebe zu gewährleisten. Hierbei kommt eine weitere Besonderheit unseres Vorgehens zum Einsatz die hilft, das KEM im Gewebe zu integrieren. Wir versorgen die Wunde mit körpereigenen Plasmamembranen, die wir aus gewonnenem Blut des Patienten durch Zentrifugation (A-PRF-Methode) herstellen. Durch die enthaltenen Wachstumsfaktoren und Fibrinplättchen fördern und beschleunigen diese Membranen die Wundheilung und helfen ein langzeitstabiles Implantatbett zu generieren. Sie merken davon lediglich einen kleinen Pieks in der Armbeuge.

Sollte ein Zahn mal ungünstig frakturieren oder unerwartet entfernt werden müssen, insbesondere in der Frontzahnregion, so hat unser Implantologe Dr. Hakimi ein weiteres Ass im Ärmel: Die Sofortimplantation.

Zahnimplantaten, Noch in der gleichen Sitzung der Zahnentfernung kann, sollte ihr Knochenlager ausreichend stabil sein, ein passendes Implantat eingesetzt werden. Hierfür ist sowohl der radiologische- (das Röntgenbild),  als auch der klinische Befund (die Situation im Mund) ausschlaggebend.

Hierbei wird zunächst der Zahn besonders schonend entfernt und direkt im Anschluss ein Implantat in das leere Knochenfach eingesetzt und die Wunde anschließend vernäht.

Auch hier ist Knochen nicht gleich Knochen!

Zahnimplantaten, Bei schmalem Kieferkamm kann durch spezielle Instrumente der Knochen gespreizt werden (sog. Bone Spreading/ Splitting), um mehr Platz zu erhalten, oder der Knochen auch verdichtet werden, sollte die Knochenstruktur zu „weich“ sein (sog. Bone Condensing). Selbstverständlich bekommt hiervon, durch die lokale Betäubung bedingt, der Patient kaum etwas mit und ist schmerzfrei.

Zahnimplantaten, Auch durch die sogenannte Socket-Shield Technique bei der ein Teil des Zahns belassen wird, kann im ästhetischen Bereich der Frontzähne ein besonders harmonisches Ergebnis erzielt werden. ZahnimplantatenDurch das Belassen eines schmalen Teils des Zahns und somit auch dessen Zahnhalteapparats mit dem ein Zahn im Knochen verankert ist, fallen die Remodellationsveränderung des Knochens nach Implantation geringer aus. Dadurch kommt es nicht zum Verlust des lippenwärts gelegenen Zahnfleischprofils.  Somit können besonders naturidentische Ergebnisse erzielt werden und unsere Patienten erfreuen sich eines nahezu unveränderten Erscheinungsbildes trotz Zahnverlusts.

All diese Techniken unterstützen eine optimale Verankerung des Implantates im Knochen und gewährleisten den Langzeit Erfolg der Implantation. In der Regel verbleiben Implantate bei optimaler Pflege ein Leben lang im Kiefer. Selbstverständlich fertigen wir im ästhetischen Bereich nach Möglichkeit eine provisorische Versorgung an, sodass Sie unsere Praxis nach dem Eingriff nicht mit einer Zahnlücke verlassen müssen.

Nach einer meist dreimonatigen Einheilphase erfolgt zunächst die sogenannte „Freilegung“, in der wir das sich unter der Schleimhaut befindende Implantat durch einen kleinen Schnitt freilegen und danach ein Käppchen zum Ausformen ihrer Schleimhaut einbringen. Selbstverständlich unter einer kleinen lokalen Betäubung. Danach können dann einige Tage später das oder die Implantate mit laborgefertigtem Zahnersatz wie Kronen, Brücken oder auch herausnehmbaren Teleskoparbeiten versorgen.

Hierfür bieten wir ihnen einen weiteren Vorteil in unserer Praxis an, da wir keine unangenehmen Abdrücke mehr nehmen. Durch einen portablen 3D Scanner (Trios 3 Shape) „formen“ wir ihre Mundsituation digital ab und schicken diese Daten zu einem mit uns kooperierenden Labor, welches uns in der Regel bereits eine Woche später Ihren Zahnersatz zurückschickt. Selbstverständlich stimmen wir Zahnfarbe und Form mit Ihnen nach ihren individuellen Wünschen vorher ab und haben die Möglichkeit durch unser hausinternes Eigenlabor Korrekturen und Änderungen auch im Nachhinein noch durchzuführen.

Wir begleiten sie in den Folgejahren durch regelmäßige Nachsorge, sodass ihr gesundes Lächeln auch auf lange Sicht erstrahlen kann.

Möchten sie vorerst weitere Informationen erhalten oder sich eine zweite Meinung einholen, so können sie selbstverständlich einen kostenlosen Termin für eine individuelle Beratung vereinbaren. Hierbei erklären wir ihnen gerne das genaue Vorgehen in ihrem Fall und klären sie rundum um den geplanten Eingriff, sowie mögliche Risiken auf. Nutzen Sie hierzu gerne unseren Online Temin-Service (Doctolib), mit dem sie bequem von zuhause aus auch außerhalb unserer Sprechzeiten ein Termin vereinbaren können.


Zahnarzt Frankfurt

Dental Implantology

Facts about Dental Implantology by Dentist Frankfurt

Implantology is a major focus of our dental practice in Frankfurt Nordend Zahnarzt Frankfurt.

In the following we would like to explain in more detail which procedure is used in our practice so that you can get a better idea of ​​an „implantation“ and take a look behind the scenes.

If a tooth has already been lost for several years, the jawbone degenerates due to the lack of load in this area of ​​the jaw and progressively decreases in width and height. So there Implantology in Frankfurtis not always enough bone substance to anchor an implant firmly in the jaw and to guarantee long-lasting dentures on it. Especially in such cases special measures must be taken in advance. These are called bone augmentation.

Depending on the situation, this augmentation can take place either a few months before the implantation or at the same time as the implant is inserted into the bone tissue.

In our practice we only use bone replacement material (granules and bone plates) from renowned European manufacturers. We always combine these with your own bone from the surgical area to ensure optimal conditions for the integration of the bone graft substitute (KEM) into your own tissue. This is another special feature of our procedure that helps to integrate the KEM into your tissue. We treat the wound with endogenous plasma membranes, which we produce from the patient’s blood by centrifugation (A-PRF method). The growth factors and fibrin platelets contained in these membranes promote and accelerate wound healing and help to generate a long-term stable implant surrounding bone level. You will only notice a small pinch in the crook of your arm.

Should a tooth fracture unfavorably or needs to be removed unexpectedly, especially in the anterior region, our Implantology in Frankfurt surgeon Dr. Hakimi can do an immediate Implantology in Frankfurt placement.

A suitable Dentist Frankfurt implant can be placed in the same tooth removal session if your bone level is sufficiently stable. Both the radiological (the x-ray) and clinical findings (the situation in the mouth) are decisive for this.

First the tooth is removed very gently and then an implant is inserted directly into the empty bone compartment and the wound is sutured.

Again, not all bone is the same!

If the alveolar ridge is narrow, special instruments can be used to spread the bone (so-called bone spreading / splitting) in order to gain more space, or the bone can be condensed if the bone structure is too „soft“ (so- called bone condensing). Of course, due to the local anesthesia, the patient hardly notices this and is painless.

The so-called Socket-Shield Technique, where part of the tooth is left in place, can also achieve a particularly harmonious result in the aesthetic area of ​​the front teeth. By leaving a narrow part of the tooth and thus also its periodontal socket ligaments with which a tooth is anchored in the bone, the remodeling changes of the bone after implantation are less pronounced. As a result, there is no loss of the gingival profile in the direction of the lip. This allows us to achieve particularly nature-identical results and our patients enjoy an almost unchanged appearance despite tooth loss.

All these techniques support an optimal anchorage of the implant in the bone and guarantee the long-term success of the implantation. As a rule, implants remain in the jaw for a lifetime with optimal care. Of course, in the esthetic area we make a temporary restoration if possible, so that you do not have to leave our practice with a gap in your teeth after the procedure.

After a healing phase, usually lasting three months, the so-called „uncovery“ takes place, in which we expose the Implantology in Frankfurt located under the mucous membrane through a small incision dental implantsand then insert a cap to shape its mucous membrane. Naturally, this is done under a small local anesthesia. A few days later, the implant (s) can then be restored with laboratory-fabricated dentures such as crowns, bridges or removable telescopic works.

For this purpose we offer you another advantage in our practice, as we no longer take unpleasant impressions. Using a portable 3D scanner (Trios 3 Shape), we take a digital impression of your oral situation and send this data to a laboratory cooperating with us, which usually returns your dental prosthesis to us a week later. Of course, we coordinate tooth color and shape with you in advance according to your individual wishes and have the possibility to make corrections and changes in our own in-house laboratory.

In the following years, we guide you through regular follow-up care so that your healthy smile can shine in the long run.

If you would like to receive further information or get a second opinion, you can of course arrange a free appointment for an individual consultation. We will be happy to explain the exact procedure in your case and explain all aspects of the planned procedure and possible risks. You are welcome to use our online appointment service (doctolib), with which you can arrange an appointment from the comfort of your home, even outside of our office hours.


For even more information you can visit our website www.nordend-zahnarzt.de

Dentist Frankfurt

Dentist Frankfurt



dental anxiety


When you smile, you show your joy, confidence, and beauty. Your smile genuinely comes from the heart, but the confidence you exhibit in a healthy smile comes from good dental care. Yet, for most people, a dental clinic visit is like taking a trip to the little shop of horrors.

According to research, dental phobia is such a problem that most people around the world avoid going to the dentist even when their gums swell and hurt. Often neglecting dental hygiene results in Periodontitis. It is usually known as the regression of gums, which results in your teeth falling out in its final stages. Surprisingly, this common disease has little connection with your age and more with your dental fear.

 Do you ever wonder why dental anxiety and paranoia is that big of a problem?

That is because your mouth is the most sensitive area of your body to touch, and when you take your sensitive mouth to a dentist, you become extremely vulnerable. The dentists in Frankfurt have the knowledge, and often you cannot see problems or what is being done. You cannot move or speak, and you lose more control when you are numb. For survivors of trauma, this vulnerability serves as a trigger that allows bad memories to flood back.

Dentists in Frankfurt

There are countless reasons similar to the ones mentioned above, which explain why this fear is real and how it should be addressed. So, before the dental madness takes over your head, here is a list of preventives dentists in Frankfurt presented to help you buckle up for your next drive to the clinic.

1. Talk about your fear with your doctor.

According to a Dentist Frankfurt based, most people are afraid of leaning back, as they do some bad experiences or maybe traumatic experiences pop up in their heads. For some people walking into the clinic to the smell of medicine instigates fear and anxiety. Some people are afraid of the needle. If you are a person with any of these fears, then it’s best for you first to discuss your problem with your doctor.

Good communication helps not only in transforming your assumed bad dental experience into a pleasant one. It also helps in building a better connection with your doctor, and later it may also help you in overcoming your fear and anxiety to some limit. If you are afraid that you might not be able to swallow or your jaw will hurt after keeping your mouth open for a long time, or if you are scared of flashbacks and bad memories coming back from a traumatic experience, then you should talk to your doctor.

2. Know that your doctor wants to help you.

You can bring your headphones and listen to music while leaning back and waiting for your dentist Frankfurt to examine you. It will allow you to get over your fear of noises. If you talk to your doctor about it, they will always have methods to share with you for you to calm down and relax during the procedure. If you keep in mind the fact that your doctor wants to help you and they empathize with you, you will be able to open up and ease into the process of getting yourself checked. Sometimes doctors even suggest using virtual reality goggles to their patients for helping them get over their fear and phobia.

3. It is for your better health

Your mouth is the window that opens up to your whole body. Many studies have shown that inflammation in gums is related to heart diseases. This is because your gums are very vascular, and your mouth is full of bacteria, and that can increase your risks for getting a heart attack or a stroke; so, it’s not just about keeping your teeth and gums clean. Your oral health plays a significant role in providing your doctors with signs for a range of conditions and diseases. At times, it may help in tracking them and preventing them at an early stage.


So, next time before putting off urgent dental treatment until the pain becomes unbearable or till your teeth start falling out. Consider talking to your doctor and relying on methods they suggest for getting over your fears and anxieties. Remember that it for your health and your well-being. You are doing this for yourself. Remember that it will help make your smile more confident and attractive, and remember that your doctor wants to help you as best as possible.


A dental consultations is as important and vital as your doctor’s consultation. Your oral health is an indication of your overall health. Your dental hygiene is essential to maintain your body’s overall health because most bacteria live in our mouth and since the mouth is the entrance to the digestive system a lot of bacteria might cause oral infections that could further lead to severe health issues. For example, periodontitis, which is a gum infection initiated by poor brushing and flossing, is reported to cause premature birth. There are many other dental infections or poor oral health conditions that are reported to cause severe health-related issues.

Dental consultations should be quite often or let’s say after every six months, or however, often your dentist suggests you visit. Dental consultation varies from person to person depending entirely on your teeth and gums healthy state.

Why do you need dental consultation?

A dental consultation is an easy way to prevent the possible upcoming complications that could cause severe health issues as we have discussed above.

A dental consultant in Frankfurt can take a good look at your mouth and how good your dental hygiene is or what possible measures can be taken to prevent the upcoming complications beforehand. If the complications are left untreated, it could become very difficult to treat them in the future. Hence, as a preventive measure, it’s better to visit your dentist Frankfurt

beforehand and prevent your dental complications.

What happens at a dental consultation?

A dental consultation in Frankfurt usually involves going over your dental history, taking X-rays to examine a clear structure of your teeth, gums, and jaw. Other than that, several other things can be expected from your dental consultation.

Your dental consultant at Frankfurt takes a thorough examination of your mouth to scan or scrutinize already existing cavities, worn dentitions, and other related problems.

After a thorough examination is done, dentists prefer to have a conversation regarding your examined state of mouth, provide several recommendations to make your oral health better, and provide a treatment plan to improve already existing complications and if required sets the next consultation with you.

Problems prevented by a dental consultation

Complications of tooth decay

Several things are very likely to cause tooth decay. Foods that are rich in sugar and acids are more prone to cause a tooth to decay. During a dental consultations in Frankfurt, our dentist will help you to prevent this complication and provide a preventive measure beforehand so this complication cannot proceed further.

Complications of root caries

Root caries is reported to form a soft, progressive lesion that is found anywhere on the root surface. The dental consultant in Frankfurt is reported to use radiographs to help achieve a possible diagnosis. It’s very important to check for root caries in geriatric patients, especially because the aged patients are more prone to root caries in comparison to the younger ones. Dentists are likely to suggest toothpaste with higher fluoride content and recommendations to improve your oral health hygiene.

Complications of gum disease (periodontal disease)

Gum diseases or periodontal diseases if not reported earlier, can lead to severe overall or oral health complications. Periodontal disease is improbably common.

dental consultant in Frankfurt

During your dental consultations in Frankfurt, your dentist thoroughly examines or scans your gums and teeth to look after your overall health in general. 10-20% of individuals are genetically vulnerable to the risk of plaque due to which everlasting harm and detachment of tooth from the gum are likely to occur. If the condition is left untreated, there could be a permanent loss of a tooth, and there are several other overall health conditions that are linked to the disease.

The dental consultant in Frankfurt tries his best to gently probe the gum tissue by inserting an instrument into the pocket areas of your gums. By doing this, a lot of further complications can be prevented.

Oral mouth cancer check

As we know that carcinomas of all sorts are on an incredible rise so during your dental consultations in Frankfurt, dentists are also thoroughly scanning for any signs and symptoms of oral mouth cancer. The examination is very easy, fast, and pain-free and usually involves the dentist merely finishing up a visual inspection. The examination involves a thorough assessment of your inside and outside of the mouth and throat. The dentist assesses your lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, and roof of your mouth for any signs and symptoms.

Evaluation of fluoride exposure

Dental consultant in Frankfurt also verifies your everyday fluoride exposure by assessing your daily oral hygiene, what sort of diet you intake, and how often do you brush and floss your teeth. By evaluating all of this, good oral hygiene is maintained, and overall health complications are prevented.

How can you protect your oral health?

It is very simple and not at all a difficult task to carry. By following the stated, your dental consultations can be minimized to the least and very good oral hygiene can be maintained.

  • Brush your teeth twice every day.
  • Make use of fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss habitually.
  • Use a good quality mouthwash to gargle and remove the food remains that are left following brushing and flossing.
  • Try minimizing the use of sugar and eat a healthy diet.
  • Replace your toothbrush after every three months or sooner.
  • Schedule regular dental consultations.
  • Minimize or completely avoid the use of tobacco.



Parodontitis und Behandlung

Volkskrankheit Parodontose: erst mit Plaque, dann mit Irrtümern behaftet

Die Parodontitis gehört zu den häufigsten Zahnerkrankungen und ist eine von jenen, deren Ursachen in mangelnder Zahnhygiene und -pflege liegen. Mediziner nutzen heute ausschließlich den fachlich korrekten Begriff der Parodontitis. In der noch immer verbreiteten Auffassung des Laien wird Parodontose mit einem Rückgang des Zahnfleischs gleichgesetzt, der im Endstadium zum Ausfallen der Zähne führt. Eine Parodontose bzw. Parodontitis liegt allerdings korrekterweise erst dann vor, wenn eine Entzündung bereits die Knochensubstanz eines Zahns oder des Kiefers angegriffen hat. Und eine Parodontitis ist auch alles andere als eine rein alters- oder genetisch bedingte Verkümmerung des Zahnbeins oder des Zahnhalteapparats. Die Ursachen dafür, dass Zähne sich lockern und im Endstadium ausfallen, sind immer auf eine Entzündungsreaktion des Körpers zurückzuführen. Mit hartnäckiger Plaque, also dem Zahnbelag als Nistplatz für Bakterien, beginnt in dem meisten Fällen eine Parodontitis.


Erste Symptome im Frühstadium der Parodontitis

Entzündungen sind stets eine Antwort des Immunsystems auf Fremdkörper, gegen die sich der Körper zur Wehr setzt. Bakterien, die nicht zum körpereigenen, also zur natürlichen bakteriellen Flora gehören, lösen solche Abwehrreaktionen des Immunsystems aus. Eitrige Sekrete sind genaugenommen ein Schutzfilm, damit Zellgewebe nicht zerstört wird. Bei der Parodontitis verläuft die Entzündung allerdings nicht so vordergründig und offensichtlich, wie es eigentlich „wünschenswert“ wäre. Schmerzhafte Beschwerden bleiben oft aus. Daher sehen sich viele Betroffene nicht veranlasst, einen Zahnarzt aufzusuchen.
Bei Parodontitis hat sich der „Rückgang des Zahnfleischs“ als Bild eingeprägt. Aber das ist bereits Ergebnis eines schleichenden Prozesses über Jahre hinweg. Bevor dieses Krankheitsbild entsteht, haben längst schon andere Symptome im Frühstadium auf eine mögliche Parodontitis hingedeutet: Zahnfleischbluten, Zahnfleischschwellungen, anhaltender Mundgeruch oder ein selbst gefühlter ungewohnter Geschmack im Mund.

Behandlung der Parodontitis so früh wie möglich

Die Behandlung einer Parodontitis sollte bereits beginnen, wenn die Erkrankung noch gar nicht Parodontitis, sondern „Gingivitis“ (Zahnfleischentzündung) heißt. Sobald sich unangenehme Schwellungen des Zahnfleischs zeigen oder das Zahnfleisch häufiger blutet, sollte der Zahnarzt aufgesucht werden. Die professionelle Zahnreinigung durch den Zahnarzt ist die erste wirkungsvolle Maßnahme, den weiteren Verlauf einer Parodontitis zu stoppen.
Zur Behandlung der Parodontose gehört dann in der Regel eine eingehende zahnärztliche Beratung zur richtigen Zahnpflege. Jedes Kind lernt, wie es sich durch sorgfältiges Zähneputzen gegen Zahnbelag schützt und auch Erwachsene lernen immer noch dazu: Sanftes Zähneputzen, das den Zahnschmelz schont und das Zahnfleisch nicht verletzt, gehört heute zur ersten Grundbedingung einer wirkungsvollen Mundhygiene.

Behandlung der Parodontose im späten Stadium

Wenn die Parodontitis so weit fortgeschritten ist, dass sich Zähne bereits merklich gelockert haben, helfen meistens nur noch aufwendige chirurgische Methoden. Bisher hat sich noch kein Verfahren bewährt, das für alle betroffenen Patienten einheitlich zuverlässige Therapieerfolge hervorbringt. Locker sitzende Zähne durch Zugabe von Knochenersatzmaterialien nachträglich wieder zu verfestigen, stellt dann bereits eine kostspielige Reparatur dar. Auch andere Methoden, die durch Einbringung von Proteinen den Wiederaufbau eigener Knochensubstanz stärken, erweisen sich bei vielen Patienten als buchstäblich haltlos.
Sinnvoller ist es daher, bei den ersten Anzeichen von Zahnfleischproblemen den Zahnarzt aufzusuchen. Wenn tatsächlich eine Entzündung diagnostiziert wird, werden häufig auch Antibiotika als erste Kur gegen die bakteriellen Erreger einer Entzündung verordnet.

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